Return to sender, adress unknown, aint no such number
Blogger 404, user not found,
if you see this message, don't feel neglected, everybody got it.
No I'm not running away or hiding. I'm moving, packed up and gone, and forgot to leave a forwarding adress.
To protect the privacy of the innocent, my parents asked me to move, due to the exposure of my full name, and all the bozo's out there I moved.(to help prevent identity theft)
So to all you who suffered emotional trama(not mentioning any names) due to the lack of my communication, I'm sorry.
more to follow........................
if you see this message, don't feel neglected, everybody got it.
No I'm not running away or hiding. I'm moving, packed up and gone, and forgot to leave a forwarding adress.
To protect the privacy of the innocent, my parents asked me to move, due to the exposure of my full name, and all the bozo's out there I moved.(to help prevent identity theft)
So to all you who suffered emotional trama(not mentioning any names) due to the lack of my communication, I'm sorry.
more to follow........................
At 6:56 PM ,
natalie said...
Don't listen to her teasing, Deborah. I think she too would have suffered trauma had I not gallantly come to the rescue with Google BlogSearch... ;-)
At 9:40 AM ,
Sarie said...
Say...what if someone stole my identity and they're controlling my mind? Or is that not how identity theft works? I suppose it's not brain-switching; it generally tends to be more mundane, credit cards and signatures and stuff.
Hope y'all are home safe! I happened to be on the computer (doing school; I'm a good little student...not actually chasing young men or stealing anyone's identity, *really*) and thought I'd check in. It was great to see you all. Tell your multiple, wonderful siblings 'Hi' for me, if you would be so kind. God bless!
At 4:29 PM ,
Diah said...
D.a.b. wasn't the one I was referring to as suffering from emotional trauma.
At 7:07 PM ,
Han said...
Well. 2 things today just screamed "JEDEDIAH" at me, and here I am, happily sharing them.
I found out that it is the Pope's birthday. Perhaps you could write him and suggest he become a Baptist just for the fun of it.
And the other thing... while I was at my grandparents' house, I found a very old songbook on the piano. There was a ridiculous song in it, called "Cousin Jedediah". Knowing only one Jedediah, of course you came to mind. You would be very weird to have as a cousin though. I think I am thankful for my own cousins. Or perhaps I am just thankful you are not one of them. :-P
Oh, and I drove today, but I didn't make any funny faces at the people in the cars ahead of me. That is probably because I was driving in a cornfield, but shall we overlook that fact?
Sorry this is so rambly... my thoughts start to fall out of my head on Sunday nights.
At 3:50 PM ,
Han said...
Oh, I will gladly be a minion for Jedediah.. after all, we are in the same secret society. But I don't suffer emotional trauma; I am too busy being a transcendent being.
At 4:02 PM ,
Sarie said...
"Transcendent being" is not to be confused with "transcendentalist."
Ooh! Can I be part of a minion throng? I've never been a minion before....
At 6:56 AM ,
Sarie said...
Dear me. Funny how I never noticed that I was anyone's minion throng. Oh. I like that! I'm a throng all by myself. I should start a revolt or a strike or something...I'm a one-(wo)man-throng!
"Is it because you secretly LOVE his hair?"
Who doesn't secretly love Jedediah's hair? Is this a trick question? I wish I had awesome hair like that. Wait, I take that back, Jedediah's hair is a little on the, short side. I prefer my hair to come to my shoulders. :p
My sister is far too much a transcendent being to love anybody's hair. I, as an official, card-carrying minion throng and easily-impressed?
That didn't come off as awe-inspiring as I would have liked.
At 8:09 AM ,
Han said...
Secretly in love with his hair... well, I've done a good job with keeping it secret: even I didn't know about it! But I digress. But first I would have to be sure of what that means. Anyway, I think it's scary how much his hair looks like Wesley Crusher's. I live in terror that any day now he will wake up, look in the mirror and say, "I think I'll put on my grey sweater with the rainbow stripes on the v-styled bottom cuff and then go to the Starfleet Academy!" He would definitely be kicked out of the secret society then, without ever getting to play the title role in "Aardvark Melodies".
At 3:53 PM ,
Sarie said...
"So Jedediah's secret power is his hair?! No wonder he has a minion pella throngs pursuing him! SARIE PUT THE SCISSORS DOWN!!!!!! "
Jedediah's hair doesn't need a trim. It's not shoulder-length; or at least I hope it's not. But you can be assured, if it was long I would probably be glad to cut it...who wouldn't? But I'm off topic, now. The point is, well, I'm sure there was a point at some point.
"So Jedediah's secret power is his hair?!" He has a secret power? Maybe I should be his minion throng. Do any of his brother's have secret powers?
By the way, I'm confused. Whose minion throng am I? Before this morning I wasn't aware I was anyone's minion throng. Ah, the things you can learn through the wonders of the internet.
At 4:05 PM ,
natalie said...
The point is, well, I'm sure there was a point at some point.
Are you sure you're sure? Are you really really sure? Why are you sure again?
Maybe you're more than one person's minion throng. You know, like a Russian serf with a bunch of different people taxing them. Or something like that.
At 6:00 PM ,
Han said...
What? Why is Jedediah the lucky man getting the title role in Aardvark Melodies?
See for yourself!
Any questions?
Well don't ask!
At 6:02 PM ,
Han said...
(Oh... and my apologies to Jedediah. If you look carefully, you can see that the Aardvark is wearing a t-shirt with the Luther rose, and we all know Jedediah is not Lutheran!)
At 6:18 PM ,
Han said...
Okay... it's killing me.
Any similarities between the aardvark and Jedediah are only because they're both holding a glass. Whatever trouble saying this may get me in, it is much better than having you all think I think he actually looks like an aardvark: Jedediah is a very nice looking young man, and does not resemble an aardvark in any manner. I am sorry if I confused anyone to what I think.
At 6:30 PM ,
Sarie said...
"because some of us could never bring ourselves to be his Delilah! No matter how long his hair got!"
Guys with long hair is just gross. *makes face*
Jedediah has aardvark eyes! This is amazing! Does this count as a super-power, too? (aardvark eyes, isn't a nasty insult in *any* culture, is it?)
At 6:31 PM ,
Han said...
Well, sure, but only in comparison to Luke.
Just kidding. What I meant was that Katie's beauty just shines on everyone that stands close to her.
At 6:42 PM ,
Sarie said...
Aardvark eyes is a compliment? I will take note of this.
At 6:47 PM ,
Sarie said...
What is there to say on Luke's blog? He only appears to post once ever millenium or so. Not that not having anything to say has ever stopped us before.
At 6:56 PM ,
Sarie said...
Talking when you have something to say is not half as fun as talking when you don't.
At 7:15 PM ,
Sarie said...
Is that a challenge? (not that I take dares, but if I did....)
At 7:20 PM ,
Diah said...
because some of us could never bring ourselves to be his Delilah! No matter how long his hair got!
Delilah or not a guys gotta get a hair cut sometime
AARDVARK eyes is just the TIP of the "iceberg"!:)
Paul Newman eyes would be a better way to put that, sounds better
"Jedediah is a very nice looking young man"----is that a corporate (pella minion throng) consensus?
I don't like to brag but....Yes that would be the consensus, I am fawned over nearly everywhere I go.
I can see my minions have been busy in my absence.
Nat-I don't think anyone was entirely sure of the point from the get go.
As to the writing, well....
"there came a time of peace, and in a time of peace you can only write about it so long before it become tedeous and boring, balls, and parties and such."
Insperation is abundant but time is as the wind.
I pray you are able to hold on (emotionally) till I am able to write again.
For I have been "driving Miss daisy"( I have not stolen any tomatoe soup though) Life is good, with the sring has brought abundance, and change we are truly blessed.
At 7:21 PM ,
Sarie said...
"If one is going to throng, one must not be SELECTIVE!"
First I am told that I may only be a minion throng to one brother at a time. NOW I am told not to be selective. Why can't people just make up their minds?
At 7:27 PM ,
Sarie said...
"I am fawned over nearly everywhere I go."
If I wasn't so bored and desperate to get my mind off an essay I ought by all rights to be writing right now, I would stop commenting. Someone appears to be getting a big head, and for once it's not me.
At 7:42 PM ,
Han said...
I am fawned over nearly everywhere I go.
As a matter of fact, Jedediah, I am sure I overheard some young ladies commenting on your family... I believe it went something like this:
#1: Wow, those Bechards sure are swell dancers
#2: Yep. But it'd be easier to watch if Jedediah was less of an eyesore!
#1: Hey, did you notice that if you squint and turn your head kind of sideways it's almost like looking at an aardvark!
And as for you, MBIM, fine! We will go bother Luke now. Actually, we have to tell him about how we named a dance after him... "Schlock's Revenge on Valhalla"!
No, we are not under the impression that Schlock is his middle name.
At 11:48 AM ,
Diah said...
If I had a big head there would be more of my hair for my throngs to love.
If you really want to be my minion please send $5 in a s.a.s.e. for licensing purposes to me. Allow a really long time for a reply (and by then you will forget and I will be rich)
At 7:16 PM ,
Sarie said...
I always thought that minions should get paid. I'm going to have to call a strike one of these days, when I get around to it.
At 8:43 PM ,
Han said...
I've never figured the Paul Newman thing out. On the one hand, he appears to be a really old actor. On the other hand, he appears to be a chef. On the other hand, maybe he is both. One the other hand (we must be counting on Jedediah's hands now (everyone knows I have three hands, ask Kelsey (although maybe she doesn't remember, but there was this one time we did a Reformation day play and I was this lady that never mind))) there was something else that he was, too. I get very confused sometimes.
I'm sure Paul Newman has limpid pools of aardvark eyes.
At 8:45 PM ,
Sarie said...
Somebody (insert correct name here) Newman has something to do with The MAD magazine, but I didn't think it was Paul...
At 8:47 PM ,
Sarie said...
I didn't think "limpid pools' was much of a compliment...But she does, apparently. Aardvark eyes can't be bad no matter what precedes it (unless "not at all like--" precedes "aardvark eyes" that might be bad)
At 8:57 PM ,
Han said...
lim·pid Pronunciation Key (lmpd)
1. Characterized by transparent clearness; pellucid.
2. Easily intelligible; clear: writes in a limpid style.
3. Calm and untroubled; serene.
Limpid pools is a compliment!!
At 9:04 PM ,
Sarie said...
What about his eyes? Perhaps all aardvark eyes are limpid.
At 9:05 PM ,
Han said...
Well, I guess his eyes are serene while the rest of him is frenetic. Perhaps he is bi-polar.
At 9:13 PM ,
Sarie said...
-- that explains why he is LEFT handed!
*gasp* is this something sinsiter! (by the way, the word sinister comes from the Latin word meaning "left" because left-handed people were considered dangerous as they could shake hand with you with their right hand and stab you with their left.
At 9:13 PM ,
Han said...
Except I've decided to give up on that one. I was explaining to him about how being left-handed is inferior, because you smudge up your whole hand when you write, but I went home and discovered that either through poor pencil position or just plain messiness, I usually smudge up my whole hand when I write. And I'm right-handed.
Although, left people are evil. Sinister = Latin for left. Becaaaaaauuuuuuuse, they they shake your right hand while they STAB you with the knife in their left! (I learned this from a left hander... My Latin teacher always said we should get married, because he is named Hans. I guess that fell through)
At 9:15 PM ,
Han said...
Uh, that is to say the left-hander who told me that is named Hans and my Latin teacher always said Hans and I should get married. My Latin teacher was a middle-aged married woman whose name was Sharon or Susan or something... we always just called her Magistra.
(whoa, my verification word is "xboong". I wonder if it is some kind of secret code)
At 9:19 PM ,
Han said...
Well, I quit Latin. And besides, Hans was from Oregon. And he's a college roommate of a good friend of mine! Okay, well, friend. "Good" is too nice of an adjective for this friend.
At 9:20 PM ,
Han said...
Oh. Heheh.
At 9:21 PM ,
Sarie said...
"--- it only does that when someone has BLOGGED TOO MUCH!"
MBIM, this doesn't technically count as blogging, not really. It's called "commenting late at night, when sleeping might be a better occupation for your fevered mind."
At 9:28 PM ,
Sarie said...
Fevered, being of course only metaphorical for troubled!
Or maybe my mind has the mumps.
At 4:53 PM ,
Sarie said...
Nah, I'm not contagious. Just dangerous and somewhat unstable. In other words: I'm crackers! Thank goodness, it's nothing more serious than mental illness.
"yiqque" almost looks like a real word. Weird.
At 5:54 PM ,
JFC said...
E1:6B:I think Jedediah can speak with an australian accent......
Ahhh, so that answers some questions about one of the minion ...
At 5:55 PM ,
JFC said...
Sarie: In other words: I'm crackers!
Hi, Crackers. I'm Dizzy ... watching all the back-and-forth.
At 6:33 PM ,
Han said...
At 7:53 PM ,
Sarie said...
Jedediah's British accent is better than his Australian one. Besides, he isn't an orange farmer. I'm sorry, he's just not right for me. You'll simply have to find someone else for Jedediah.
At 10:02 AM ,
Diah said...
I am not Bi-polar, left handed-ness is an immense blessing!!!
And, mbim, I believe you have only heard the irish side of my voice, hence for you to say I can do an ozzie accent would be making presumptions that could be greviously wrong.
I don't like oranges
sides that Jedediah can find his own when the time comes!!!neh!!
At 6:11 PM ,
JFC said...
I've put that word through every translator at the BabelFish site, and cannot find a meaning. A good reformed girl like yourself should know not to speak in unknown tongues without an interpreter. Please enlighten ...
At 6:45 PM ,
Han said...
"Augh" means you are suggesting my sister wants to convert Jedediah into an orange farmer, marry him, and move to Australia! I may let her go cavorting across the countryside without me, but she is NOT going to marry Jedediah if I have any say in it! (And no, that's not because I want his hair for myself. The idea of it!) And furthermore, Jedediah may be good at many things, but I bet left-handed orange farmers are crummy.
Although, some may disagree with that interpretation of the word. Charlie Brown likes to use it when he is lying on his back having just kicked a football that is not there.
At 8:53 PM ,
natalie said...
And I doubt that good ol' Chuck is thinking about his sister converting a left-handed person into an orange farmer, marrying him, and moving to Australia. Although he might be. Depending on how hard he hit his head.
At 11:24 PM ,
JFC said...
Naddy, I guess Han is a postmodernist. She can make a word mean anything she wants it to.
At 7:07 AM ,
Sarie said...
And I doubt that good ol' Chuck is thinking about his sister converting a left-handed person into an orange farmer, marrying him, and moving to Australia. Although he might be. Depending on how hard he hit his head.
Is Linus left-handed?
At 9:31 AM ,
Sarie said...
MBIM, I was reffering to the fact that Charlie Brown's sister Sally calls him her "sweet Baboo."
I would never call anyone my sweet baboo...and if I did, it wouldn't be Jedediah or any of his brothers, I assure you. Definitely no one left-handed.
At 12:06 PM ,
JFC said...
I would never call anyone my sweet baboo...
Someone, somewhere, might call a "Monkey Boy" their "Sweet Babboon"
At 1:48 PM ,
Han said...
JFC, I'm not a postmodernist. You said "Augh" wasn't a word, so I can't redefine a word that isn't a word! I am just taking dominion over the earth by making up new words. Don't even try to debate the legitimacy of that; I am Frisian and I WILL argue as long as I must.
At 11:18 AM ,
JFC said...
JFC, I'm not a postmodernist. You said "Augh" wasn't a word
Actually, I acknowledged it as a foreign word for which I requested a translation.
I am just taking dominion over the earth by making up new words. Don't even try to debate the legitimacy of that;
eorf vmor dato odatj4 dti
I am Frisian and I WILL argue as long as I must.
So was Count Abba Boppa, but I never remembering him arguing the rightness of making up new words. (Of course he might not have been a full-blown Trinitarian Christian, seeing as he lived when Friesland was beginning to be Christianized).
At 3:10 PM ,
Sarie said...
JFC, now you are acting like a Frisian? You don't happen to have any relations from those parts do you?
Why not make up words, as long as you do it in a reasonable fashion?
At 10:27 PM ,
JFC said...
Sarie, as you will note from my exchange with Han, I agreed with her about the legitimacy of naming things in taking dominion.
I am just taking dominion over the earth by making up new words. Don't even try to debate the legitimacy of that;
eorf vmor dato odatj4 dti
See my agreement! Very forceful statement, I must say!
What I disagreed with was:
1. That I had said "augh" wasn't a word (for, indeed, I had not said this), and
2. What I perceived to be her implication that taking dominion in this way was a Frisian trait. I noted that the Frisian Christian Count Abba Boppa is never reported as having made this claim.
Do I have Frisian roots? The apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?
caveat: blogging comments are not intended to reflect the sanity, or lack thereof, of the individual whose username is being hacked to make said comments.
At 9:59 AM ,
Han said...
Oh. Well, I'm pretty sure taking dominion in this manner has nothing to do with being Frisian; but Frisians will argue their point until the other party gets sick and leaves.
And, it must be said that taking dominion must be done in an effective manner. So if no one can understand the new words, it's not really taking dominion. I think "augh" is becoming a universally understood term!
At 8:46 PM ,
Sarie said...
You know what would be awful? It would be awful if we had scared the B--s from posting! That would be terrible. Actually, that might be considered a service to humanity considering the quality of--alright, I don't *have* to insult someone every time I open my (in this case figurative) mouth. As a minion throng I believe it is in the job description that we, um, demand speeches and orations. Therefore, despite the doubt as to whose minion throng I am or whatever... I demand, without further ado, a speech, post, publication, and/or oration (and I do this out of duty, for I am the slave of duty, and not out of my love for mankind which would rather compel me to--wait I wasn't going to insult anyone!)
At 9:26 AM ,
Amanda Singh said...
< i >#2: Yep. But it'd be easier to watch if Jedediah was less of an eyesore!
#1: Hey, did you notice that if you squint and turn your head kind of sideways it's almost like looking at an aardvark!< i >
For those of you who don't know aardvark is just another name for ant bear, anteater, and earth pig. I definitly do not think Diah's eyes resemble an aardvark, and he is not an eyesore to look at.
At 1:16 PM ,
Han said...
I definitly do not think Diah's eyes resemble an aardvark, and he is not an eyesore to look at.
Hah! Now someone else will be persecuted! Woe be to you who declare a Bechard boy more than Aardvarkish but less than handsome! Katie will have justice!
At 5:14 PM ,
Han said...
(if justice = your head)
At 6:41 PM ,
Amanda Singh said...
Woe be to you who declare a Bechard boy more than Aardvarkish but less than handsome!
I never said he was less than handsome! I said he was not an eyesore to look at.
How does that translate less than handsome?
At 6:02 AM ,
Han said...
Just you watch! Your words will skewed, stretched, and turned completely upside down to put YOU in a very uncomfortable position!
But, boy do I love you MO people.
At 7:02 AM ,
Sarie said...
Hmmph. For one thing, I think we agreed that "aardvark eyes" is a wonderful compliment and saying that Jedediah doesn't have them could be considered extremely cruel. Poor guy, he'll probably be in tears if you tell him that (yeah, right...uh-huh).
At 4:03 PM ,
Sarie said...
We meaning...some other people. At least one other person said that aardvark eyes was a compliment and...Maybe it means he's more than human...Like aardvarks are heavenly. At least their eyes are like limpid pools, that should be enough for you.
If you will excuse me, I have to go get a life. 100 comments, my goodness!
At 4:30 PM ,
Han said...
Jedediah, you HAVE to post now. 101 comments! In my nearly three years of blogging, I've never gotten that many!
At 4:31 PM ,
Han said...
That is, on one post.
At 4:40 PM ,
BlackBooker said...
Jedediah, you HAVE to post now. 101 comments! In my nearly three years of blogging, I've never gotten that many!
Posting again won't ensure that comments stop flowing on this post. A post with nearly 20 post after it on naddy's blog currently has 109 comments.
That is, on one post.
Was this just to get the count higher? :-)
At 7:42 PM ,
Han said...
Was this just to get the count higher? :-)
No... I'm just a little obsessed with clarification.
At 11:42 PM ,
JFC said...
Anyone wishing to join the (now) water-balloon fight can get involved here.
At 5:42 PM ,
JFC said...
Han said...
Was this just to get the count higher? :-)
No... I'm just a little obsessed with clarification.
Yikes! Me, too. Does that make me a transcendent being? Or just Frisian?
At 4:30 PM ,
Han said...
Before I say anything else, I must say I was pleasantly surprised when we received in the mail today a CD with pictures of "Christ the King-ites" (wondered how that could be shortened, but decided it might end up sacreligious). So now I know what you all look like.
JFC said Yikes! Me, too. Does that make me a transcendent being? Or just Frisian?
I'm afraid to say that obsessive compulsivenes is only one little part of both being transcendent and being Frisian. But rest assured that you are well on the way to transcendent-ness.
Hey, that should be one of the awards of our SECRET SOCIETY-- The Golden Transcendent Being Award!
At 4:35 PM ,
Han said...
Um... how did JFC's comment appear at 5:42 PM and mine at 4:30 PM? Did he post that yesterday?
My computer says it is now 6:32...
At 7:15 PM ,
Sarie said...
Hmm...I think Jedediah should change his comment settings. But whatever.
JFC most be more of a transcendent being than a Frisian at least in this respect anyway (whatever I meant by that). I often feel absolutely no need to clarify anything and enjoy being ambiguous and equivocating when I speak. It keeps you on your toes!
At 3:09 PM ,
natalie said...
more to follow........................
I'm not so sure that I believe that anymore...
At 7:54 PM ,
Sarie said...
Oh, yes. They are wicked liars! Or maybe they've been doing more important things.
Ha! More important than blogging? You've got to be kidding me.
I saw someone say something on Naddy's blog about her having the knights' beat comment-wise. Actually, it might be that the Springfield folks had us beat, rather than Naddy vs. Knights. I could take this as a challenge (even if there were only two of us plus MBIM, besides that, add up the comments on all three Knights sites). Then again, when I made all those comments I was not exactly in my right mind; perhaps I was in my left. More likely still, my brain was on vacation.
Wow. I can spend a lot of time saying absolutely nothing!
At 10:07 AM ,
Krista said...
Sorry to interrupt such an entertaining string of comments with something off-topic. But thanks for coming out Thurs night and leading off in style-- we all had a lot of fun. Hope everything is going well in your world!
At 2:27 PM ,
Han said...
Hello again!
I hate to imagine you right now... driving at a break-neck speed, weaving in and out of traffic, giving your brother and sister the heeby-jeebies... prayers shall be said!
I looked through all the pictures you so generously gave us. They were mostly very wonderful to see. I do mean mostly, and I hope you can think of reasons why.
It is such a pity you could stay for only such a short time! But needless to say, it was a blessed time. Thank you for coming. Please tell your sister we miss her too!
The Lord make His face to shine upon you!
At 7:48 PM ,
Sarie said...
Ditto what Han said and thank you:
We never (well, not *never*) could have gotten along without your help teaching. Things were a lot simpler.
I hope you enjoy the music Han sent. That song for the Posties Jig is a blast, isn't it?
Well, I hope you didn't endanger your brother and (especially) your sister in getting back home. I'm not exactly sure what time the Springfield people left (other than too soon) but I imagine you should be getting back home pretty soon.
Don't do anything stupid (if you can help it!)
At 7:30 PM ,
A-Jedediah said...
well I did not try to cut my fingers off over it!!!
At 11:20 AM ,
Han said...
Jedediah, you need to post, or I will be forced to do something drastic, like actually WRITING Aardvark Melodies! Or worse!
At 8:59 PM ,
Sarie said...
Jedediah, it is your duty to the world to post. To allow, by your inaction, my sister to write such a horrendous piece of literature as "Aardvark Melodies" is doomed to be would be a grave sin. I think it might place you in an even lower circle of the Inferno than just plain aardvark eyes would. You owe it to your public, to the world, and more the aardvarks of the world to prevent in any way such an occurrance. I would beg you on bended knee, but I don't really care that much.
You cannot be so bitter against the universe as to wish such an abominable, atrocious fate on anyone. Do you grasp how deplorable the situation would be? It is simply shocking that a "knight" such as yourself would not immediately seek to forestall such an appalling event.
Face the challenge and make a post. The minion throngs are restless.
It would behoove you to make a post.
At 4:19 PM ,
natalie said...
Well, I hope you didn't endanger your brother and (especially) your sister in getting back home.
I'm assuming that since you don't also express hope that he didn't endanger the other two cars of people, including myself, your sister's one and only twin (not evil twin! That title goes back and forth, remember), you don't know we traveled in convoy for most of the trip, and so I forgive you.
Diah, I know you're busy, but I think the hordes are becoming restless, and I wouldn't mind seeing a new post either, even if it it was straight punctuation! On the other hand, I think that "Aardvark Melodies" sounds actually quite funny, so either way... :-)
At 6:38 PM ,
Sarie said...
Natalie, it simply did not occur to me that the rest of you folks would be foolish enough to allow Diah to drive anywhere near you. Anyway it seems clear that you were not killed, a fortunate fact, because you still owe me ten dollars, my dear sister's twin. There can hardly be doubt I think, that I am too glad to give the appellation "evil" to the condescendent being, and not unto you, the only ill I know of you is that you really should give me ten dollars.
At 12:04 PM ,
Han said...
Make a post by Thursday (9/07/06) of next week or expect to see a new song written exclusively for the show! And let me tell you, it will not be pretty.
At 8:03 PM ,
Sarie said...
And now, I comment in disbelief. How many comments does it take to get a blog post?
I mean seriously, you would think that people who had upwards of 100 comments would have enough self-confidence to make another post. Gosh.
I suppose ladies don't say "gosh" any more than they listen to Switchfoot. *cough* Gee Willikers!
Anyhow, "there came a time of peace, and in a time of peace you can only write about it so long before it become tedeous and boring."
Can you call visiting Iowa peaceful? Now, you cannot possibly have an excuse. There is no peace when people visit us. They have to stay up 'til 2:30 or so because the hostesses can't stop talking. I cannot believe that you have nothing to say, so say it.
You can't be all that busy either. Really. Now, the minion throngs can only stand so much before they start throwing rotten tomatoes and whatnot. And these aren't even agrarian, these are the evil ones that you buy in the grocery store! Surely you could at least see fit to favor us with a egotistical rambling of some sort.
By the way, being dubbed a minion throng is useful, y'all. It begins to sound as though I am a commanding force and, which is more, cannot be held responsible for throwing things at people, and, which is more, am rather dangerous. A pleasant development, that.
One should post every four or five months you know. For all we know, your brothers have killed you and buried you in the backyard, unmourned. I suppose it could be worse.
At 7:42 AM ,
Han said...
you've been granted a week of reprieve, due to the fact that I can't find the notebook with the lyrisc in it. BUT BEWARE!
At 9:37 AM ,
Diah said...
I must beg of you to grant me more time for I have not been made aware of such threats until today. Therefor by the code of the bloggers, you must grant me one more week to therein post.
At 10:10 AM ,
Han said...
Good job... the song will now sink back into my deep dark unconsciousness, not to emerge again until the time is right. Mwahah. hah. hah.... hah.
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